WhatsApp users have been waiting for a long time to be able to use it on multiple devices. The new version developed by the developer […]
Okumaya devam etYou Can Login to WhatsApp with Your Fingerprint
WhatsApp's fingerprint login feature, which was activated for iOS phones, has also been brought to Android devices. WhatsApp has activated the fingerprint technology that Android […]
Okumaya devam etInstagram Decided to Hide Likes
Instagram, one of the most used social networking applications with over 1 billion users worldwide, has taken another step towards concretizing its policy on likes. […]
Okumaya devam etThe Most Accurate Social Media Management
As the internet has become more and more prevalent in our lives, the importance of social media platforms has also increased. People have started to […]
Okumaya devam etIGTV Button Removed from Home Page
Instagram decided to remove the IGTV button from the homepage after it failed to get the response it expected from IGTV, which it launched in […]
Okumaya devam etInstagram Dm Feature is Now on Computer
Instagram users have been wanting to have the private message (DM) option of their Instagram accounts active for WEB use for many years. Instagram is […]
Okumaya devam etDark Mode Activated on Whatsapp | Adana Sahne Medya
WhatsApp, one of the most used messaging applications in the world, has activated the dark mode feature in the Android Beta version coded 2.20.13. iPhone […]
Okumaya devam etWhatsapp Won't Work on Some Phones | Adana Sahne Medya
According to the information revealed in AndroidCentral, WhatsApp has sufficient processing power and current It will no longer work on mobile phones that do not […]
Okumaya devam etMessaging Feature Comes to Windows 10
Facebook, which replaced the Windows 10 OSMeta Instagram app with the Progressive Web App (PWA) last December, has also activated this change on Instagram. Instagram, […]
Okumaya devam etWhat's New in Instagram's Windows 10 App
A new era has begun on Instagram for computer users with the Windows 10 operating system. Wanting to enable users to communicate more effectively with […]
Okumaya devam et