A new feature has arrived on WhatsApp, which is part of Facebook and is the most popular messaging app with 1.5 billion active users in […]
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Facebook Switches to Spark AR for Face Filters
Facebook has announced that it will remove the augmented reality (AR) based face filter application MSQRD from the Android and iOS stores. According to WebTekno; […]
Okumaya devam etGood News for Users from Whatsapp | Adana Sahne Medya
WhatsApp, which was purchased by Facebook in 2014, continues to come up with new features every day. According to the information shared by the website […]
Okumaya devam etWhatsapp Supports the Fight Against Coronavirus
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, worldwide measures are becoming more and more severe every day. While countries are closing their borders to reduce the spread […]
Okumaya devam etVideo Chat Update from Whatsapp | Adana Sahne Medya
After the increased risk of the coronavirus outbreak, the rate of going to work decreased, while the rate of working from home began to increase. […]
Okumaya devam etThe Omnibus Bill Will Appoint a Social Media Representative
The government is expected to soon issue a new omnibus bill as part of the fight against the coronavirus outbreak. The omnibus bill, which Sözcü […]
Okumaya devam etInstagram Web Version Is Now More Useful
While the DM feature is widely used among Instagram users, users previously had problems because this feature was not active on the computer version of […]
Okumaya devam etTUNED, a special application for couples from Facebook
Facebook is a place for couples to communicate with each other. Tuned has released a new messaging application called . The US and Canada were […]
Okumaya devam etInnovation That Makes Its Interface Easier From Youtube
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, internet giants have also rolled up their sleeves to make applications easier to use. YouTube has also launched some applications […]
Okumaya devam etNew Update for Tablets from Youtube
YouTube's website has been updated to make it more effective on touchscreen devices. With the update, if you access the YouTube website from a touchscreen […]
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