Facebook Launches News Tab

Facebook, one of the most used social media platforms in the world, is launching its 'News' tab, which it announced a few days ago, at the end of this month. Facebook, which is willing to pay large amounts of money to media companies for this tab, aims to regain the prestige it lost due to personal data privacy cases by sharing honest and regular news.

Facebook, which aims to share accurate and good news in its News tab, has taken the risk of paying large amounts of money to brands such as Bloomberg and Washington Post. Facebook, which has sat down with respected media organizations to increase the quality of news, will soon launch the News tab.

According to a report published by the Wall Street Journal, Facebook has almost made its 'News' tab ready, and according to the same report, the 'News' tab will be put into operation by the end of this month. Facebook, which has had trouble with ridiculous and fake news in the past and has suffered a great loss of reputation because of it, wants to prevent encountering such problems again with its new feature.

On the other hand, Facebook, which has recently had problems with the cryptocurrency Libra, will use the 'News' tab to get things back on track. It is stated that Facebook's biggest hope, which wants to regain its old reputation and popularity, is the News tab.

Stage Media

Stage Media

01-01-1970 02:00:00

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