Youtube Will Show Ads on All Videos

Sahne Medya, an experienced agency that has run numerous successful advertising campaigns on YouTube and other social media platforms, shares a new milestone in YouTube advertising with you. As is known, YouTube ads are the primary method used by both YouTube and content creators to finance themselves. However, these ads were only appearing on videos uploaded by channels that were members of the YouTube Partner Program. However, according to the announcement, as of June 1, we will also start seeing YouTube ads on videos from channels that are not members of this program.

Will Content Creators Be Able to Make Money from These Ads?

Previously, YouTube ads were only shown on videos of content creators who could make money through YouTube, and they were paid in return. So what will happen in this new situation? The fact that ads will also be shown on videos of channels that are not in the Partner Program does not mean that these channels will be able to make money without meeting certain criteria. In order to make money from these ads, they still have to meet certain expectations of YouTube.

In order to join the Partner Program, which some popular influencers can join, they had to have more than a thousand subscribers in the last twelve months and have more than four thousand hours of total watch time. In return, they could finance their channels by getting paid for advertising content placed on their videos.

YouTube is constantly testing new features. In 2020, it started testing the monetization of all videos in the US. I think YouTube executives must think they have reached the level they expected, and they are now preparing to make it available to users all over the world. In order to earn money, video producers will need to submit their tax returns to the Google Adsense portal, and then this system will come into effect.

Sahne Medya YouTube Ads

YouTube is the biggest invention in mass communication that shapes the world after television. It is a platform that replaces conventional media and is more liberal and where the audience's wishes are more important… This medium, where users with specific interests follow their own content, is one of the most ideal mediums for advertising. Sahne Medya digital marketing experts, video content editors and copywriters help you meet your target audience on YouTube and increase your commercial volume. If you want to grow your business with YouTube ads that will now appear in all videos, meet Sahne Medya YouTube Ad service.

Stage Media

Stage Media

22-05-2021 13:36:57

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