Which Generation Uses Social Media Most in Turkey?

A study conducted in Turkey revealed that people over the age of 65 spend more time on Facebook, while the youngest generation spends more time on Instagram.

The results of the internet usage research conducted by Areda Piar's Marketing research company on 1,100 people in Turkey according to generations have been announced.

According to the research, 57.6 percent of the baby boomer generation, people over the age of 65, use the internet to follow social media. The social media application used most by this group is Facebook, with a rate of 89.7 percent.

Young people, referred to as Generation Z, use the internet to spend time on social media at a rate of 74.6 percent. The most preferred social media application by Generation Z is Instagram at a rate of 79.9 percent.

In the survey conducted in the last week of March, when asked “For what purpose do you use the Internet the most?”, users responded with the following answers: following social media, making searches, watching videos, and following online TV/newspapers.

One of the most prominent issues in the study was that citizens over the age of 65, referred to as the Baby Boomer generation, use the internet to follow social media. 57.6 percent of this generation, born between 1946 and 1964, use the internet to follow social media. This rate was 47.6 percent for Generation X, 44.7 percent for Generation Y, and 45.4 percent for Generation Z. The study revealed that people from different generations exhibit similar behaviors when using the internet.

Generation X Searches

The percentage of those who use the internet for searching was 39.7 percent in Generation X, 34.3 percent in Generation Z, 32.9 percent in Generation Y and 26.5 percent in Baby Boomers. When asked, “For what purpose do you use the internet the most?”, Generation Y responded by saying “watching videos” with 15.7 percent, while Baby Boomers responded by saying “watching online TV/newspapers” with 7.8 percent.

Grandfathers Use Facebook, Grandchildren Use Instagram

When asked, “Which social media platforms do you use?” the baby boomers gave the highest response as Facebook with 89.7 percent. This generation was followed by Generation X with 83.3 percent, Generation Y with 81.7 percent and Generation Z with 72.3 percent.

To the same question, 79.9 percent of Generation Z responded with Instagram, while 64.8 percent responded with Twitter, 22.8 percent with TikTok, and 13.4 percent with Snapchat. The rate of Generation Y participants who stated that they use Linkedin remained at 4.3 percent.

Going Online to Pass the Time

When asked “For what purpose do you use social media platforms more?”, 66.2 percent of Generation Z responded with sharing/interaction. To the same question, 38.6 percent of Generation Z responded with communication (making new friends/social environments) and 12.5 percent responded with brand following.

While 56.1 percent of Generation Z responded with “entertainment,” 74.6 percent responded with “passing time,” and 14.6 percent responded with “playing games.” 73.8 percent of Generation Y responded with “following the agenda.”

They Buy Content

In the survey, 65.9 percent of Generation Z, 18.4 percent of Generation X, 16.1 percent of Generation Y and 5.1 percent of baby boomers answered “yes” to the question “Do you purchase paid mobile/online content?”

Scale is Very Wide

When asked the question, “What content do you pay for?”, 38 percent of Generation Z responded by saying they download music, 48.7 percent by playing games, 29.4 percent by watching movies/series online, and 35 percent by downloading movies. 86.6 percent of Generation X and 79.4 percent of baby boomers responded by saying mobile apps.

We Also Do Shopping

In the survey, 64.4 percent of Generation Z, 46.5 percent of Generation Y, 49.7 percent of Generation X and 39.4 percent of Baby Boomers answered “yes” to the question “Do you shop online?”

When asked “Which category do you shop in more?”, 66.6 percent of Generation Z responded “clothing/shoes/accessories”, 39.5 percent “entertainment”, and 11.4 percent “games”. 45.3 percent of Generation Y responded “electronic devices”, and 22.6 percent “mother/baby/child”.

We Want Confidence in Shopping

Users also answered the question, “Which of the following are important to you when shopping online?” 89.4 percent of Generation Z responded to this question with secure shopping, while 56.7 percent said discounts and campaigns, 44.5 percent said delivery speed, 55 percent said website awareness, 40.8 percent said product variety, 16.4 percent said suggestions/advice, and 21.1 percent said promotions and gifts were important. In response to the same question, 43.3 percent of baby boomer participants highlighted the option of cash on delivery.

Generation Z Follows Brands

In the survey, 58.8 percent of Generation Z, 38.6 percent of Generation Y, 38 percent of Generation X and 26.6 percent of Baby Boomers answered “yes” to the question “Do you follow brands on social networks?”

Discounts Are Being Tracked

When asked “What is your reason for following brands on social media?”, 28.9 percent of Generation Z responded that it was their intention to continue purchasing the brand, while 45.9 percent responded that it was their desire to be informed about discounts/campaigns/promotions. Generation Z responded that it was their satisfaction with the brand at 34.6 percent, while 39.9 percent of baby boomers responded that it was their trust in the brand/the brand’s honesty.

We Go to the Arbitration Board

When asked, “Through which channels do you communicate your information, requests and complaints about brands?” 63.6 percent of baby boomers responded by applying to consumer arbitration boards. To the same question, Generation Z responded by saying forums (37.7 percent), corporate websites (23.6 percent) and sharing by tagging brands on social media (36.1 percent).

When asked the same question, 33.7 percent of Generation Y responded by saying complaint sites, while 38.3 percent said corporate call centers.

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Stage Media

24-05-2021 10:21:22

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