New Decisions from Instagram | Adana Sahne Medya

Instagram is one of the social media applications with the largest user base. Instagram, which has many users aged 16 and under, will define these accounts as “private accounts” in order to protect these users from cyberbullying and various attacks. In this way, only followers they approve will be able to follow these accounts, like posts and comment. Sahne Medya editors have prepared it for you.

Many studies conducted to date have shown us that only one in five accounts that Instagram defines as private accounts are later made public by the user.

Users who are 16 years of age or younger and whose accounts have been made private will receive a warning message when they voluntarily make their accounts public. The message will include the benefits of remaining private.

It was also announced by Facebook, which owns Instagram, that new protective practices will be encouraged for Instagram users under the age of 13. Facebook executives said: “They are all online now and there is no solid method that we can use to prevent these young people from appearing older. That is why we want to develop features specifically designed for them. With these features, these young people can keep their Instagram experiences under control by their families and guardians.”

In addition to all this, a new artificial intelligence system is also in the development phase to detect users under a certain age and delete illegal accounts.

The Online Safety Act, which is expected to come into effect soon, places a responsibility on the tech giant platforms to provide the necessary tools to prevent children from accessing harmful content. Despite its efforts to do so, Instagram has been heavily criticized by many children's rights groups for not being successful enough in blocking harmful content.

But Instagram has developed a suite of measures to protect children. In March, the app blocked users over the age of 16 from sending direct messages to people under the age of 16. Adult users can only message people under the age of 16 who follow them.

However, the system has a major flaw. It works by relying on the age users state when opening an account. In other words, there is nothing stopping child users who want to get around the restrictions from giving false information about their age.

Let's see if it is possible to prevent cyberbullying and ensure personal security. To be informed about what is happening in areas such as Technology, E-Commerce, Social Media, SEO, Digital Marketing, Sahne Medya blog page Don't forget to follow. The Future is Yours, the Stage is Yours with Sahne Medya…

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Stage Media

02-08-2021 09:12:47

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